
fairy Weng Learn more about fairy Weng

  • Classification of succulent plants

    Classification of succulent plants

    Classification of succulent plants

  • Matters needing attention in breeding of Mai Xianweng

    Matters needing attention in breeding of Mai Xianweng

    When you put on the pot, you need to put some broken tiles at the bottom of the flowerpot to facilitate drainage, then put a layer of rotten fertilizer, and finally put it into the soil. Today's content is over. I hope this article can help friends who want to raise wheat fairy Weng, so that they can raise more and better wheat fairy Weng.

  • How to plant the seeds of Mai Xianweng

    How to plant the seeds of Mai Xianweng

    Mai Xianweng belongs to the genus Meixianweng of Caryophyllaceae. Because the flowers of Mai Xianweng are large and beautiful, they can be planted in flower beds, flower borders and rock gardens as ornamental greening plants, but beware of entering farmland. It is distributed in Heilongjiang, Jilin, Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang and other places in China. So, Mai Xian

    2020-11-08 Wheat fairy Weng seed how plant wheat yes carnation Kemai
  • How does Yuweng cactus reproduce?

    How does Yuweng cactus reproduce?

    Yuweng cactus belongs to the cactus family. In spring, the peach bell flowers above the autumn bloom in a circle around the ball, which is very beautiful. So, how does the Yuweng cactus reproduce? First, how does the Yuweng cactus breed? 1. Sowing, reproduction, sowing and reproduction

    2020-11-08 Yu Weng fairy ball how breed belong to
  • High Heels Church Held New Year's Eve Press Conference

    High Heels Church Held New Year's Eve Press Conference

    The press conference of the High Heels Church's New Year's Eve was held on the 27th at the High Heels Church in Budai Town, Chiayi County. The ceremony was held by Chiayi County Mayor Weng Zhangliang, Yunjia South Binhai National Scenic Area Management Director Xu Zhenneng, Budai Town Mayor Chen Fengmei and local people.

  • A complete Collection of Orchid Variety names

    A complete Collection of Orchid Variety names

    The Chinese characters of green flowers, the number of the market is very small, the smell of flowers is strong, and the green stem and green flowers found in Tangkou. Leaf posture in the thin thick semi-vertical leaves (large plants are semi-drooping leaves) the posture is dark green and elegant. The flower volume three petals are horn daffodil petals, the color is clean and light green, the flower flesh is thick and soft, and the flower is more than two inches in diameter.

  • How to choose the seeds of Mai Xianweng? What are the methods of raising seedlings?

    How to choose the seeds of Mai Xianweng? What are the methods of raising seedlings?

    Mai Xianweng is an annual herb of Caryophyllaceae and Mai Xianweng. Its plant shape is dignified and unrestrained, and it is delicate and beautiful when it blossoms. It is suitable for arranging flower borders, flower beds, or planting by the side of the road. Mai Xianweng not only has high ornamental value, but also the whole grass can be used as medicine, which has high medicinal value.

    2020-11-27 Wheat fairy Weng seeds how seed selection seedling raising methods what are they?
  • What are the latest types of cactus?

    What are the latest types of cactus?

    What are the kinds of cactus? Cactus is native to the steppe of South America. There are 25 species of cactus, such as ivory caryopteris, chrysanthemum, etc. Silver ball palm and gold ball palm are the most common species, covered with woolly hair. Hairy cactus flowers are small, usually yellow or red, with

    2020-11-10 The latest fairies balls species which ones
  • Shoumei lotus valve

    Shoumei lotus valve

    Shoumei: Lotus petal orchid, plum petal, famous products. It is named because it is a plum-shaped petal and looks like a white-headed fairy Weng. The first name is "full hard holding plum-shaped lotus petal". It is produced in the primeval forest in the hinterland of Gaoligong Mountain in Baoshan, western Yunnan. It was found in 1998 and was introduced in Bilong Orchid Garden in 2000. It is a rare species in Orchid. Characteristics.

  • The ordinary road is wonderful because it is succulent.

    The ordinary road is wonderful because it is succulent.

    Follow Encyclopedia to meet Beautiful (WeChat account: duoroubaike) text begins: thank the author [Hei Mei] for her original contribution sharing contribution date: April 10, 2018 Editor: encyclopedia coordinates: Chongqing Qianjiang.

  • What is the sign of the latest cactus blooming?

    What is the sign of the latest cactus blooming?

    The cactus is a kind of plant that is very easy to breed. Its native place is mostly in the desert. It likes high temperature and dry climate and has a strong nature. Even people who have never planted plants can easily feed the cactus. Such an indomitable and indomitable fairy

    2020-11-10 The latest fairy ball flowering what is it omen yes
  • What are the poems about daffodils?

    What are the poems about daffodils?

    What are the poems about daffodils?

  • Nai Weng and his bonsai art

    Nai Weng and his bonsai art

    Nai Weng and his original author of bonsai art. Mr. Fu Quan Nai Weng (1912-1998) is a famous bonsai artist in China. Bonsai skills, written and published in 1982, is the first scientific and systematic introduction of bonsai creation after the Cultural Revolution.

  • What are the latest poems about daffodils?

    What are the latest poems about daffodils?

    The daffodils are pure, elegant and extraordinary in large groups. Her fragrance that contains fragrance, does not allow silt to encroach on the character of Hao Su, is not afraid to invade the spirit of Xiao Han and depends on a spoonful of water, takes root everywhere and blooms in spring, and is deeply loved by people as good luck and peace friends.

    2020-11-10 The latest about daffodils flowers poetry there are which daffodils
  • When does the newest cactus bloom?

    When does the newest cactus bloom?

    Cactus is a perennial fleshy and succulent herb, belonging to the cactus family in plant taxonomy. Its stem is spherical or elliptical. The sphere has several longitudinal ribs. The ribs are densely needled. It usually blooms in the morning or evening. The flowers are born in the longitudinal ribs. They are silvery white or pink.

    2020-11-10 latest fairy ball when bloom for
  • When does the cactus bloom?

    When does the cactus bloom?

    When the cactus blossoms is determined according to how it is raised. If it is well maintained, it will normally bloom in three or five years, but it may take decades to blossom. It blossoms for a long time, the flowering time is the most concentrated in March and May, and can blossom all the year round. In order to

    2020-11-09 Cactus when blossom cactus flowering
  • What are the kinds of cactus?

    What are the kinds of cactus?

    What are the kinds of cactus?

  • The latest sky-high price succulent comes out, one pot is worth millions!

    The latest sky-high price succulent comes out, one pot is worth millions!

    At present, there are thousands of succulent varieties, not only that, but also new varieties appear every once in a while. In addition to our common common goods of a few yuan a tree, there are some expensive goods that you have never seen before. The price alone is incredible.

  • Propagation method of cactus how to sow cactus

    Propagation method of cactus how to sow cactus

    Cactus is light-loving, drought-resistant and easy to feed. For novice flower growers, planting a pot of cactus is the first choice. Many people don't know how it propagates. So what are the breeding methods of cactus? How to sow the cactus correctly? Next

    2020-11-08 Fairy ball reproduction method how sow fairy ball joy light
  • How to raise succulent plants in summer

    How to raise succulent plants in summer

    How to raise succulent plants in summer
